About Us

The ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ of American Schools of Central America (AASCA) was formed to support and encourage academic, artistic, athletic and cultural interaction between international schools that offer a US type education in Central America. It is felt that through the organization and sponsorship of these types of activities that all young people involved will be exposed to and benefit from the multicultural interaction. It is the desire of AASCA to promote a better understanding of multiculturalism among all races of young people through these events.

AASCA also strongly supports the continuing education of its member teachers and administrators through facilitating workshops and conferences that focus on the latest educational ideas and teaching methods from the United States. It is the desire of AASCA to improve the quality of all education in the countries in which they reside and create a greater awareness and appreciation for cultural diversity through the programs they sponsor.


 Promoting exemplary education in Central America.


AASCA provides opportunities for member schools to collaborate for the enhancement of learning, social responsibility, international mindedness and professional growth.


AASCA is committed to:

  1. Providing instruction primarily in English that empowers learners to reach their potential.
  2. Building community through a variety of activities and experiences.
  3. Education that promotes internationalism and interculturalism.
  4. Democratic values such as rule of law, respect, pluralism and the common good.
  5. Community Service and Service Learning.
  6. The physical and emotional well-being of students.
  7. Fostering environmentally friendly behaviors.
  8. Formal external accreditation as a standard for educational excellence.


  1. Support and facilitate academic, artistic, athletic and cultural interaction among its member schools.
  2. Facilitate professional development opportunities and the use of resources that enhance the teaching-learning experience.
  3. Promote community service and service-learning opportunities within its member schools.
  4. Promote, through its various student activities, cultural awareness and appreciation for cultural differences.
  5. Strengthen AASCA’s organizational identity and sustainability through reflection and collaborative exchange of ideas to ensure continuous improvement of the association’s effectiveness.